Pathways for Children and Youth offers a walk-in clinic for single session counselling. The clinic is offered at the 993 Princess St. location every Tuesday from 12:00pm to 8:00pm. Individuals (up to age 18) can walk-in and get an appointment with a counsellor. Participants of Better Beginnings can also access a Pathways counsellor there one half day a week. There is no cost to access these services. Contact Pathways for Children and Youth for more information.
Intensive Child and Family Services
Category: Counselling and or/Family Supports
Ages: Adult
Clients can be referred to intensive services by their community site counsellor. Working in partnership with the Community Site counsellor, the Intensive Child and Family counsellor or Early Years counsellor provides in-home support to parents/caregivers and families (with children and youth ages 0 to 18) with complex and multiple needs. The program also offers a social skill building program for youth which is also accessed by the community site counsellor. There is no cost to access these services. Contact Pathways for Children and Youth, or fill out the online request form, to set up an in-take appointment.