A note from Paula, the Victim Services' Executive Director, with regard to COVID-19 and our available supports.
'We wanted to reach out and update everyone on our services and the continued programs and services available. We hope that everyone is doing their best to stay healthy and take all precautions possible to remain that way. We've had you in mind and want you to know that we are in this together and here to help if you need us.
I've attached a poster re; services available. Please know that VQRP+ (Victim Quick Response Program +) parameters have changed slightly, increasing funds available for accommodations, meals and groceries, to support physical distancing. The eligibility criteria has not changed. Please contact us for further details or if you would like to know if we're able to assist.
Also keep in mind, we have a large number of Volunteers who have stepped forward to over their time and ear to anyone who may be struggling with the pressures and changes happening right now. If you have a client or know someone who could use some extra time from someone with a good ear, please let us know. They may be lonely, overwhelmed, struggling with what to do next....these are all things we can assist with.
Please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here. Share this information with your colleagues or anyone who may benefit.'